
This project aims to provide an open source client and server implementation of Ingo Althöfer's game Einstein würfelt nicht.



It's finally here... version 0.1 of pynestein.
UPDATE: of course, i didn't check pynestein's function under windows and of course it did not work. So, here's v0.1.1 which fixes pynestein under windows and provides windows binaries and a windows installer.


The project is currently in currently in late beta stage. The first release is out, so try it out and inform me about bugs, feature requests, ...
mailt0: __tpani__at__users.sourceforge.net__


Currently pynestein provides a GUI written in wxpython and understands standard Einstein gameplay.
However, it hasn't yet any network or engine parts built in, so you can only use it to play in kind of hotseat mode (unless you're schizophrenic).


The next three steps are quite clear: First one is to implement networking, second one is to allow an engine to connect instead of the second player, third is to implement the engine itself.

Get It!

You can download pynestein at its sourceforge project page.
If you're running Windows and want to have life easy, choose the windows installer (pynestein-0.1.1-installer.exe).
If you're running Windows and have both python and wxpython installed, you can use the distutils installer (pynestein-0.1.1.win32.exe).
If you're running Windows, have both python and wxpython installed, and want pynestein's sources download those (pynestein-0.1.1.zip).
If you're runnig Linux or another *NIX, have python running and wxpython installed, get pynestein's sources (pynestein-0.1.1.tar.gz). Install them using `python setup.py install'.

Project Hosting

This project is hosted on sourceforge. Visit our sourceforge project page.
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